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Preparation for official international exams

Two-hour courses over one day a week from 19.15 to 21.15.

We start new courses every term and they last approximately three months.

These courses aim to help students comfortably pass the Cambridge English (University of Cambridge) exams (Young Learners, Key A2, Preliminary B1, First B2, Advanced C1, Proficiency C2 and IELTS) and also other International exams like TOEFL and official exams.

These lessons have been designed to train exam techniques and we prepare exercises and activities for students to understand the requirements of each exam task and get better results in exam exercises day by day, getting more confident in their own abilities.

To guarantee the best preparation for our students who are already doing another kind of course, we offer free personalized preparation classes a few weeks before the exam sessions.

Cursos de preparación exámenes idiomas

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